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First step

Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. – Martin Luther …


Another one of those marvelous words in the English language that’s versatile in its use, depending what you put in front of …

Goals, goals, goals

What are your goals for the next 30 days? Seeing how I am running a bit behind on my daily blogging, my …

Kicking *ss

Conversely, write about something that’s kicking ass right now. Work is kicking my ass right now. What’s that, that’s not what you …

Letter from my future self

Write a letter to someone, anyone. Dear Anna, I’m writing you from the not so distant future to tell you, the future …

Don’t give up

Write about something for which you feel strongly. I feel strongly about not giving up. There have been many moments in my …

Words of wisdom

Post some words of wisdom that speak to you. Again one of those assignments where it isn’t hard to find them, but …

Battle of the…

Share something you struggle with. …bed time monster. Since one of the major things I struggle with has a blog about it …

Coming together

Queen Mab: What do you plan to do, use your puny swords and axes on me? Merlin: No, Mab, we’re just going …

Good news today…

I have decided that today is a good day to be a good day. So here are some good newses from my …