Mind your own business…
My philosophy is: It’s none of my business what people say of me and think of me. I am what I am …
My philosophy is: It’s none of my business what people say of me and think of me. I am what I am …
Write about a lesson you’ve learned the hard way. Being a pretty stubborn person, there are a lot of things I learned …
What three lessons do you want your children to learn from you? Most of the living happens outside of your comfort zone. …
Post your favorite movies that you never get tired of watching. This really depends on my mood and some I just treasure …
Something you always think “what if…” about. A chance to rewrite a blog that got lost in cyber space. So a slight …
Write about something for which you feel strongly. I feel strongly about not giving up. There have been many moments in my …
Never be afraid to start over, it’s a new chance to rebuild what you really want. -Unknown This year, one of my …