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This little light of mine

As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from …

Life lessons

What three lessons do you want your children to learn from you? Most of the living happens outside of your comfort zone. …

What if…

Something you always think “what if…” about. A chance to rewrite a blog that got lost in cyber space. So a slight …

Don’t give up

Write about something for which you feel strongly. I feel strongly about not giving up. There have been many moments in my …

Words of wisdom

Post some words of wisdom that speak to you. Again one of those assignments where it isn’t hard to find them, but …

Five places to visit

List five places you’d like to visit. The only difficulty here is picking just five, do continents count as places? Europe: while …

Someone who inspires me

Write about someone who inspires me. While there are many people who inspire me, Louise Hay, Elon Musk, Mikki Willis, Samy, … …

Something I never forgot…

Write something that someone told you about yourself that you never forgot. I’m sure there are plenty of things people told me …