My celebrity crushes

Post about three celebrity crushes.

For once, I must admit this takes some pondering. While I admire many, I don’t have many actual celebrity “crushes”. But when I think about it, I do have a few.

  1. Keanu Reeves
    Keanu Reeves is most likely my first ever celebrity crush and the only one I actually had a poster of (not counting the one from “4 Weddings and a Funeral”, but that was movie related, not really celebrity related, although Hugh Grant’s boyish charm has always appealed to me too). To me Keanu had everything: he was good looking, had these dreamy, mysterious eyes, and a wild side to him without being a “bad boy”. Although I wasn’t very impressed with his grungy “Dogstar”-days looks, he still seemed like a decent guy, nice and courteous, sensitive, someone you could take home to meet your parents, looked exotic and dreamy, but somehow also down to earth. He also seemed to have that dark and mysterious side that makes you want to hold him tight. He’s one of the few that survived my admiration over the years.
  2. Tom Hiddleston
    Tom Hiddleston is my latest celebrity crush, up until the moment I realised, that I wasn’t the only one. After that, I still had high regards for him, but didn’t really fancy “being with him” anymore. I don’t like to share, hehehe. I don’t know how I stumbled upon him, can’t even remember if I ever actually saw an entire movie of him, but I’ve seen a lot of clips and interviews with him. Like Keanu, he seems to be not only very hot, but also very nice, sweet, courteous, … He seems shy-ish, humble, a very caring guy, with a good sense of humor, great dancer, … Exactly my type. Now all I have to do is find a non-famous version of him, hehehe.
  3. Josh Groban
    It didn’t say they all had to be movie stars. I’m a sucker for boyish charm, add some nerdy glasses with that good looking body and I’m hooked. I have a thing for men wearing glasses, there’s something sexy about looking intelligent, even if they’re just glasses and you’re actually as dumb as a doorknob (in which case, I hope you’re also as quiet as a doorknob, or you’ll be seeing the other end of one fairly quickly… on the other side of the door). The fact that the boy can sing is a bonus, as is the fact that from what I can tell, he has a good sense of humor too.


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