A day in the life of Anna
Bullet-point your whole day.
- Got up
- Lounged on the couch a bit while listening to the work men next door being goofy
- Went into work on my day off to prepare some work for a course tomorrow
- Talked to some colleagues and had a few laughs
- Did the tour of the hospital (I work for the Faculty of Medicine, which is conveniently next to the hospital, so it was work-related, not sick (except for allergies))
- Went to the cafeteria in search for food, to strengthen myself before crawling under my desk to connect cables
- Prepared 6 laptops for the course tomorrow
- Dashed out, knowing I was running late to meet a friend
- Got held up by the cleaning lady who’s a very social person, always in for a chat
- Flew home to collect things and do a speedy make up touch up
- Picked friend up and went to the movies (The Jungle Book, I liked it, great voice actors, wonderful CGI)
- Walked through town and looked for shelter from the rain in a bar where we had fresh mint tea
- Went over to friend’s place to borrow cereal for my breakfast tomorrow
- Went to get my car and drove home
- Got ready for bed
- Wrote this blog
- Went to bed
- Good night!